Sunday, February 6, 2011

Where Can You Buy Erectile Dysfunction Medication Online?

Okay, so you don't believe all those online ads that say you can increase the size of your penis. However, you should know that Viagra works. Viagra is also known as sildenafil citrate and is a drug that treats erectile dysfunction as well as pulmonary arterial hypertension. Viagra acts by inhibiting a specific enzyme that regulates blood flow into the penis. Ever since Viagra popped up onto the scene in 1998 it has been the primary treatment for erectile dysfunction.

Viagra does work which explains why many people buy Viagra on a regular basis. However, as with all medications, there are potential side effects to taking this drug. Some of these side effects might include headache, flushing, dyspepsia, nasal congestion and impaired vision. Some studies have suggested rarer conditions like the loss of peripheral vision, priapisms, severe hypotension, hearing loss and stroke are also possible. Is it too much to ask that a miracle drug be free from side effects? After all, what man is asking too much by wanting a normal, healthy sex life?

If you've ever resisted the urge to buy Viagra because of potential side effects, then it's understandable. However, don't conclude that all medication is unsafe, especially herbal medication. Instead of buying Viagra you can look into natural male enhancement supplements. Some of these supplements are even more potent than Viagra because they are not altering a person's chemistry-merely adding to their health. For example, some herbal supplements include rare and aged ginseng.

One of these medications is called Ezerex. People who have taken this natural substance have reported immediate results unlike when they buy Viagra. Best of all, you don't need a prescription for the Ezerex supplement because it is not a dangerous drug. Find out more about this product at

Finally, an all- natural male enhancement supplement that doesn't have the side effects of most E.D. drugs, thus eliminating the need to buy Viagra or any of the other Erectile Dysfunction medications. For more information on this new supplement, visit

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